Yesterday's girl

A musical review

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Location: Leuven, Belgium

Sunday, October 01, 2006

"In search of..." by NERD

I bought this album on sale in Basel.

Released in 2002, when the production team The Neptunes was still the best kept secret in the business and NERD was just another re-incarnation of the same people.

Not yet commercial and ever-present in our MTV, Pharrel Williams and Chad Hugo, managed to put out a true hip-hop album: brilliant melodies and incisive lyrics, it either shows you the harsher side of society (guns, crime, corruption, politics, prostitution and drugs) while interspersed there are hints that "things are getting better" and that someday you might even "raise a little family and be a voter".

Delicious album, from beginning to end. Want to mellow? To dance? To think? This is the album for it.


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